Power-Gen International
@Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center February 11-13, 2025POWER-GEN International is the industry leader in providing comprehensive coverage of trends, technologies and issues facing the power generation sector. This event attracts over 1,400 exhibitors and over 20,000 attendees every year. Year after year, Absolute Exhibits provides trade show exhibits that offer that extra spark at this show.
USA, Oil, Gas, & Energy;Utilities, Water, Sewer and Waste
@Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center March 25-27, 2025DistribuTECH is the utility industry’s leading smart grid conference and exposition, covering automation and control systems, energy efficiency, demand response, renewable energy integration, advanced metering, T&D system operation and reliability, power delivery equipment and water utility technology. Not open to the public. With our vast experience in energy trade show exhibits, Absolute Exhibits has been a natural fit for exhibitors at this show.
USA, Oil, Gas, & Energy;Utilities, Water, Sewer and Waste
Waste Expo
@Las Vegas Convention Center May 5-8, 2025WasteExpo is North America’s largest solid waste and recycling trade show serving both the private and public sectors. Recycling is cool and Absolute Exhibits has bold ideas to showcase recycling efforts and technology in trade show exhibits at this show.
USA, Utilities, Water, Sewer and Waste
@Phoenix Convention Center May 19-22, 2025The WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition is produced by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) to provide a venue for the wind industry. Over the years, Absolute Exhibits has produced some wonderful trade show exhibits at this show to showcase the energy efficiency and advancements in the wind energy industry.
USA, Oil, Gas, & Energy;Utilities, Water, Sewer and Waste
@Minneapolis Convention Center July 16-18, 2025HydroVision International is the largest gathering of hydro professionals worldwide. The event highlights perspectives on the role of hydropower, explores issues affecting hydro resources, and helps participants develop a vision to meet challenges and ensure the future sustainability of hydro. Absolute Exhibits has produced some wonderful trade show exhibits that feature hydropower in interesting ways.
USA, Utilities, Water, Sewer and Waste
Water Environment Federation
@McCormick Convention Center September 27 – October 1, 2025The Water Environment Federation is a not-for-profit association that provides technical education and training for thousands of water quality professionals who clean water and return it safely to the environment. WEFTEC, the organization’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, is the largest annual water quality exhibition in the world. Absolute Exhibits’ long history of environmentally friendly trade show exhibits makes it a natural choice for this wonderful show.
USA, Utilities, Water, Sewer and Waste