Graphics. Many companies have a yellow and white color scheme and they see that through for their graphics. That color combination of yellow letters on a white background is the hardest color combination to view on the trade show floor.

Flooring. All show aisles are carpeted and the aisle carpet color is always listed in the show quick facts. If you choose the same color carpet as the aisle carpet it works in an opposite way as your exhibit booth does not stand out, rather it looks like small pods on the aisle carpet. Also while we are discussing carpeting – if you chose the least expensive show offering for an island or peninsula space the carpet will be 9′ x 10′ rather than a 10’x10′ piece, as the first is what is used for the inline spaces. So a 20’x20′ space will have only an 18’x 20′ carpet piece and will not meet the aisle carpet so you will have a ring of concrete around your space.

Back walls. Just an observation after traveling thousands of miles of show aisles, stay away from gray back walls. They blend into everything else; they have no snap, crackle, or pop! Choose black before gray and choose full wall graphics before either.

Truss. White truss seems to blend into the airspace, black and silver are far better choices.

Hanging Signs. Hanging signs can be very distinctive, again bright colors are the best eye catchers while white backgrounds tend to fall into the shadows of the upper show floor atmosphere.