It has been a long day on the show floor. As the exhibitor you have talked to hundreds of people, smiled thousands of times, laughed at one too many jokes … it is 4pm the the lights have just dimmed. Finally, time to go home. And if you are happy with the day and know everyone that you have wanted to do business with has been by your booth and is going to remember you when they walk out the door – well good for you. Let’s talk about a little insurance.
Certainly you have one more hour in you to cement your position with everyone you want to have remember your company. Here is a sure fired way to do that. After the lights are off – have them turned back on above your exhibit space. Order one hour of cocktails, or beer, or wine and a few appetizers and have the last party of the day. This is very cost effective. Food and drink services will tell you exactly what you need. You send out pre-show invitations and have your sales people invite/remind attendees that you are the last stop before the shuttle bus lines shorten up and are ready to roll. Everyone that stops at your party signs up or leaves a business card (these are the ones you really want); in return they get two drink tickets. You can stay within budget and look magnanimous on the tradeshow floor. And you get the last word!
I know I have repeated this story many, many times – but that is because it works! Trust me. Cancel the five course dinners, the show tickets at $100 each, just try this!