Are you the small show exhibitor? Or do you exhibit in a 10 foot inline exhibit at a large show? Do you do fifty other things in your office and then fly out the door for an occasional trade show appearance? If this is you I have five quick exhibiting tips and one great sale for you to look at. First the tips:
•Redo your graphics and make them colorful and easy to understand, with a benefit statement that will then get your prospects into your exhibit space.
•Preset appointments before the show. Every attendee has an agenda and you want them to have time for you. So, do everything you can before the show to set up appointments with qualified buyers and existing clients in your booth at the show.
•Use motion in your exhibit – with a demo or if you have a service add something that moves and catches attention – like a cuckoo clock, or something that spins, or a lava lamp! This engages people to stop for a moment and gives you time to start your pitch!
•Print paper lead cards to write more notes for the sales force to do better follow up and then have an inexpensive prize drawing every couple of hours. Collecting business cards is not enough.
•Booth staffers make a huge difference. Only bring staffers who want to be there, not just sales people – knowledgeable product personnel.