Understanding your buyer is critical. When you can identify what your target audience requires and can count on, it’s easier to offer it for them. Extra enticements and special savings only improve your chance at the order, particularly for the attendee who wants to get the business part of the business trip out of the way.
Make your show promotion user friendly, not a twelve step process of jumping through hoops. Buyers are willing to pay more to avoid what they sense as ‘too much’ work. Customers are willing to give more when they are getting more in return.
Egos do not stop at the doorway to the tradeshow floor. It’s important to give your buyers recognition. Extra items unexpectedly added when a purchase is made – is a great way to do this. Exclusivity sells. Rather than listing a complicated set of discounts, focus on the total savings. Have printed price sheets where your trade show booth staffers can highlight appropriate discounted prices and write in the total savings. Hand these to the clients, don’t be afraid, to let them go shop! Have faith in yourselves.
Trade show deals are usually only made at the show and not six days later. Remind your sales staff to mention your deadline often. Email your clients while still at the show so that they do not forget – this gets the job done on the show floor. It also does not put you in the position of saying no next week!