I know you have just gotten used to the term Gen X – and they are now considered middle aged! Millennials are born between 1977 and 1994 and are now considered the next generation of consumers. Speaking as the mother of two Millennials, I know it is entirely my generations’ fault (the Baby Boomers) that we have raised the "it’s all about me" generation of young people that have such a positive perception of themselves as "tech-savvy, young, cool, hip and innovative." We did a great job and now we have to sell to them! In our school it was called Project Self Esteem and it obviously really worked!
This is the tech-savvy generation – they grew up with computers at home and school, cell phones (they passed pagers almost entirely, and now they don’t even talk they text. Anything new takes about two minutes to adjust to for them. Technology is the language and the fashion of this generation. If you want to engage with Millennials, you must design an engaging experience inside your trade show exhibit. Your exhibit must include wi-fi, internet, iPad, the latest AV and be picture-ready perfect – so that your buyers want to tweet and send pictures immediately about your brand. The experience you provide is of the essence – it doesn’t have to be life-changing, however it must be memorable to this generation so they will share it across social media and take your company to the next level.
Wake-up – in most cases we birthed them now we need to sell them!