They cannot immediately see how you can solve their problems or fulfill their needs. Hint – look at your graphics – what do they tell you at a glance? No one attempted to engage them. Take a look at your booth staff – do they look and act unprofessionally or uninterested … preoccupied or on their cell phone? Show attendees are easily put-off and feel that they can just move on to someone else on the show floor that seems to care.
Does your booth look boring? Many exhibitors do what they consider the safe exhibit tactic with dull, rather than in your face colors, your trade show booth has dull colors, too much text, and too many small images. The whole effect becomes overwhelmingly underwhelming. Does your booth space lack activity? If it looks too dull compared to other exhibitors who are having energetic conversations, presentations, demos, and more, then attendees are not compelled to take their valuable time on a questionable stop.
Finally, if you did not pre-show invite you may not be on their agenda. Chance s are that they already have an appointment. People on the show floor are running here and there to meet appointment times and fit in everyone else in a scattered strategy at best.
If you want to stop the parade of qualified attendees walking by your booth, but never into your booth then you must take the time to improve your exhibit’s visual appeal, take a hard look at your company personnel on the show floor, create engaging activities, and send enticing invitations before the show starts.