greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Nov 1, 2022 | Technology, Trade Show
Lighting is the Key to Trade Show Floor Success Never depend on a single source of light for an exhibit display. Use a variety of light sources and can balance them to suit the needs at the time. Poorly located task lighting on workstations causes glare which makes...
greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Jan 23, 2020 | Technology
We’re living in a digital age, so increasingly, exhibitors are starting to add more digital tools to their trade show booths on the trade show floor. This can range from a video playing on the back wall of a trade show display to more impressive and sophisticated...
greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Jan 7, 2020 | Interactive, Technology
Experiential marketing has slowly crept into the trade show industry, taking hold first in large businesses’ trade show exhibits and then gaining more popularity among smaller brands as well. Experiential marketing in the trade show industry was a bit of a conundrum...
greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Dec 26, 2019 | Design, Interactive, Technology
If you’re looking to an exhibit house to design something for your next trade show, you’ve graduated well beyond the days of pipe and drape with a table skirt or a pop up display. However, whether you’re just now exhibiting in a 10×20 trade show display or a...
greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Oct 16, 2019 | Interactive, Technology
If you’re in the market for a technology trade show booth, don’t just settle for something that everyone else has. Nobody wants to fade into the background and obscurity on the trade show floor. You want to be the star- the exhibit everyone is talking about and...
greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Oct 1, 2019 | Branding, Design, Technology
Trade shows happen every month across the globe. No matter the industry, there are certain themes, certain elements, and certain technologies which are redefining trade show exhibit trends. The trade show floor is changing rapidly and you’ll no doubt notice many of...
greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Sep 19, 2019 | Branding, Design, Technology
Medical or healthcare shows are notorious for being boring. Most organizations design a trade show exhibit that is bland, boring, and is easily skippable on the trade show floor. Why wouldn’t you want to design something that stands out on the trade show floor? ...
Sep 12, 2019 | Design, Technology
These days, it’s not enough to just construct a boring trade show booth that looks like every other one. No matter the industry, it’s important that exhibitors stand out from the crowd and define themselves as different. To accomplish this, two great trends in the...
greening the show: absolute exhibits' sustainable solutions | absolute exhibits, inc.
Aug 22, 2019 | Technology
We’re all fans of technology, no matter your generation. One thing we all have in common as consumers and business leaders is an attraction to the latest and greatest technology. Therefore, it’s no surprise that we would similarly want to showcase technology inside...