Only 60+ days into 2018 and Absolute Exhibits has hit its stride toward an amazing year. At the core of our success are our employees. It is that simple.

We have aligned as a team in a way that we have never before been able to capture. Gifted managers have chosen the “right” people for innumerable positions and we have absolutely jelled. Finger pointing is out – teamwork is the go-to procedure.

With a workforce spread across four offices, including Europe, and more on the road or using home offices, the cohesiveness that has emerged is truly remarkable. The lesson we have all learned is that every employee provides meaningful impact to the company’s productivity and success. At Absolute Exhibits, no one person is a non-player.

Each time we design and sell an order, it touches the hands of every department and each individual must be in place and ready to roll with their particular expertise.

Today is National Employee Appreciation Day, therefore, many thanks are due to our incredible team.

I would like to thank each of you, not just today on National Employee Appreciation Day, but every day, for your contribution and dedication to Absolute Exhibits and our clients. Not to mention, the part you have played in building beds for Houston, collecting sock donations for Puerto Rico and simply being there for one another.

You are all a truly wonderful group of people and we are lucky to have you as part of the Absolute Exhibits family.

Thank you,

Jan Koren, President

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