Don’t wait until the last minute to prep your booth staff—it happens more often than you’d think due to blackouts, storms, the World Series, or just lack of time. However, if you take ten minutes to focus on three key areas, your team will represent your company effectively. Tradeshows demand focus, excellent listening skills, and a friendly, knowledgeable staff. The hard sell approach just doesn’t work.

  1. Listen. Interaction with prospects is crucial. Over-pitching and not letting them ask questions or make comments is a mistake. If you dominate the conversation, the prospect will feel trapped and look for a way out. Slow down and listen. If you’re doing more than 50% of the talking, you’re in trouble.
  2. Be Honest. No one knows everything about anything. If you don’t know the answer to a product or service question, don’t lie. Tell the truth and offer to find the answer and follow up within a specific time frame. Be realistic about that time frame—if it will take three days, don’t promise an answer tomorrow.
  3. Pay Attention. Notice whether a prospect is hesitant or interested by observing their body language. Also, be mindful of the message your body language sends. Are you turned away from the aisle, talking on your cell phone, or chatting with your colleagues? This signals to prospects that you don’t care about them.

Final thought: It’s tempting to get aggressive but never tackle or blindside someone in the aisle to get their attention. This is a prospect’s worst nightmare, and they’ll avoid your booth. Remember, the hard sell doesn’t work on the tradeshow floor.