Okay – you have chosen to come to your trade show, set up your exhibit, roll out the new products – now where do you cut? Even if your business is still doing great – don’t you have to take into consideration the feelings of your clients and your competitors? Here are some less expensive thoughts – How about a 30 minute invitation only cocktail party at the end of the first show day rather than thousands of dollars in stuffed animals handed to everyone at a show? How about a less expensive Mexican buffet off of the strip in Las Vegas rather than 15 sales people turning in $300 dinner receipts for special clients – you can buy allot of margaritas and tacos, enchiladas, and tamales for $4500. What about a show special discount (we know everyone does that) but relax it and give everyone two weeks to sign their order – risky, but what isn’t today? Just think a little outside the box – give clients some breathing space – let them know you care about their needs – this is truly one time it is not all about you!