Is there a negative message within your graphics? Are they clean and crisp, maybe backlighted (a certain eye-catcher). Or did you run down to Kinko’s with your disk and get them printed the morning of the show? Finishing touches grab the attention of the show attendees. Having a professional appearance whether you are in a large exhibit or a 10′ x 10′ says everything about your company. Think about the mall carts at your local mall – do you walk up to the one with the paper, handwritten signs that fly in a breeze? Or do you pass them for the mall carts that look professional? Don’t you feel more likely to spend money in a complete retail environment – rather than a swap meet atmosphere?
Now take that thought to your tradeshow. Rather than Velcro hung fiberboard on your pop-up, step up and get graphic photomurals. If you have large printed graphics in your booth space – ask about making them back-lighted. One more thought – too many graphics with too much verbiage. No one is going to walk through a show and read masses of verbiage about your product – large pictures with 4-7 bullet points, that is the answer. Clean, crisp, great pictures, few words – those are graphics that will attract new clients – and isn’t that your trade show goal?