Trade shows are still the most cost-effective “face-to-face” marketing method available today. Trade show marketing allows an exhibitor to meet with hundreds of motivated potential customers. Trade shows supply a targeted audience of real buyers that either paid to be at the tradeshow at which you are exhibiting, or at least have paid to travel, stay at a hotel, and eat on their own company’s budget. You are sitting inside a building with not one, but hundreds of your buyers and potential buyers.
A tradeshow is the place where your buyer or potential buyer can actually handle your products – or see them in action. A picture of a baby bathtub on your website is not the same thing as picking it up and playing with it. A picture of a car is not the same thing as climbing inside it and feeling the space and all its amenities.
Today everyone has a website – they are a fact of doing business– however, the trade show gives clients a once-a-year opportunity to touch and feel the product. You need to be there – you just need to be certain you are at the right show with the right group of attendees. Once again – you must exhibit at a minimum of one tradeshow – not necessarily seven or eight – this is your exposure.
Companies running the show may over-hype their event. Talk to other businesses who have attended several trade shows, then use this information that you have gathered to steer your trade show decision. In today’s economy everyone has cut back on their tradeshow attendance – so talking to attendees will tell you what shows are most important for what you sell? Make certain that you are reaching the key decision-makers of your target market. Remember, trade shows are unlike other sales environments. You receive only a narrow amount of time and consideration from attendees. This necessitates quick qualifying, and lead generation on your behalf. Make certain your staff is prepared and everyone is working with the same plan.
Last thoughts – your sales people often make the error of contacting trade show leads, months after the show. All leads should be contacted within weeks of your trade show exhibit. Don’t blow the immediacy of face-to-face contact at the show with a tardy phone call months later – the result is very disappointing R.O.I.