Walking away from trade show exhibiting isn’t the solution—just tweak your approach!

The trade show floor should be a dynamic stage, producing measurable results that drive your company’s marketing plan for the year ahead. Trim down your show schedule to focus on the essentials and bring fewer staff—it’s business, not a party. Negotiate with show associations for better terms, including pricing concessions if attendance dips.

Why should you stay? Missing a show can fuel rumors about your company. Instead, make appointments for your sales team to meet clients, saving on travel costs. Opt for a smaller booth space or negotiate discounts for supporting the show.

Focus on essentials: showcase key products, offer a lounge area with refreshments, and invest in customer research. Use internal resources to reconnect with clients and gather feedback. Adapt your marketing strategies to emphasize reliability, durability, and performance over gimmicks. In tough times, adapt your tactics to increase market share, not abandon marketing altogether.