Spending countless nights in hotels is part and parcel of the trade show business. While it might sound overly cautious, many of us have encountered unsettling situations, whether at trade shows or on vacations.

When traveling for a trade show, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Ask the desk clerk to write down your room number instead of saying it aloud, and avoid repeating your number in public conversations.

Check if there is a safe in your room. If not, use the hotel safe for valuables. Never leave money or valuables in your room unattended. Keep your key with you at all times, even when using hotel amenities like the health club.

On arrival, ensure the door locks and security bolts function properly. If on the ground floor, check balcony and window locks. Inspect all areas of your room before dismissing hotel staff. Keep the door open when hotel employees are present and use the deadbolt to prevent it from closing.

Never open the door without confirming the visitor’s identity. If someone claims to be hotel staff, call the front desk for verification.

Familiarize yourself with emergency information and exit routes posted on your room door. Keep your room key and a small flashlight on a bedside table for easy access in the dark. Always take your key if you leave the room during an emergency.

Look inside the elevator before entering. If you feel uneasy about anyone inside, wait for the next one. Stand near the control panel and be prepared to press all floor buttons if threatened. Exit promptly if a suspicious person enters.

Stay Alert, Stay Safe. These simple precautions can make a big difference. Better to be cautious than regretful. Happy and safe travels!